Monday, November 27, 2017

Little Steps In The Right Direction

"Little things seem nothing, but they give peace, like those meadow flowers which individually seem odorless but all together perfume the air."
-Georges Bernanos

Sometimes, it's so easy to become discouraged with all that needs to be accomplished in the future, that we can lose sight of all the little steps we have already completed. Don't give up. Each step matters and should be celebrated, because it's part of your individual journey.

Little steps is what will heal you, others, our communities, our nation and our earth. Believe in yourself and take care of yourself. Do one thing for yourself today that will make you healthier.

Smile and complement a stranger. Find one thing you use that can be put in recycling instead of the garbage. Then do it again tomorrow, and  the next day, and every day from now on. You can change the course of the world with little steps.  💞 

"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending."
-C.S. Lewis

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

In The Valley of The Volcano

My walk in the woods last weekend took me to the beautiful Toutle River valley. The day started with off and on rain showers that created a dense cloud cover, thoroughly hiding the majestic Mount St. Helens on the horizon.

Mount St. Helens on a clear day.

At times it is hard to believe that this area was so terribly effected by the volcanic eruption in 1980. The scars to the landscape are visible near a little gift shop situated beside the shell of an old A-frame cabin.

At first glance, it looks like a small, single story building, but is only the second story above ground. The volcano's mudflow had almost completely buried the tall building, making the ground level yards higher.

On the way to the trailhead, my friend and I saw a dead coyote along the road. It looked so much like a dog, we pulled over to see if it had a collar.

I was relieved that it was not someone's pet, but saddened over it's violent end of life, and the fact that someone had removed it's tail before we stopped.

Even in death, it's eyes were still so hauntingly fierce and lovely. I took a moment before going on my way to mourn it's short life and tragic end, hoping I would not be the only passerby to do so.

Once on the trail, I was encouraged by the wildness of the woods. The leaves were gone from most of the trees and made birdwatching easier.

The colors of autumn were cheerfully spread across the forest floor, beckoning me to wander farther and admire their fleeting beauty.

Moss and mushrooms seem to stand out with the extra sunlight and lack of surrounding greenery in fall. There is an entirely different world on the forest floor.

If I were not so afraid of mountain lions, I would find it difficult for me not to crawl on the ground taking in all the tiny wonders that so often go unnoticed beneath our feet.

The last of the blackberries along the path are finally gone after the cold that set in, although they were still blossoming two weeks ago. 

The expansive patch of shrubs was being guarded by an angry, little wren who didn't appreciate my search for any stray berries among the brambles.

As he bobbed up and down on a tall stump, wildly scolding me, all I could do was laugh at how ferocious he was trying to look.

I dubbed him "The Sentry", praised his valor, and conceded to his victory. One day, I hope to be as brave and unyielding as that small bird.

A golden-crowned kinglet briefly landed close beside me as I was taking pictures. So close, that I was tempted to reach out and touch him before he joined the rest of his flock in the tops of the firs.

Not much bigger than a cotton ball, his golden crest and shiny black eyes were the flashiest part of his gray and light olive body.

That brief moment exchanging a curious glance with that 1/4 oz. puff ball was the highlight of my day, and a moment I will always cherish.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Forward and Backward

Spend a few minutes scrolling through adventure photos on Instagram and you're bound to be inspired to travel, or sent into a depression spiral from the realization that you're unable to do so in the near future.

Maybe that's just me. 😄 I tend to fluctuate between the two, unfortunately leaning a bit toward the latter.

It's frustrating for me to be indoors. I feel complete when I'm in nature, as if I'm where I belong. There are days when I look at the clock or calendar and wince.

Another weekend I have to work, to regretfully bow out of invites for hiking or camping, hoping friends won't give up inviting me in the future. The feeling of minutes, hours and days disappearing with the sands of time.

Every tick-tock of the clock is time I'll never get back. I want to spend as many of them as I possibly can adventuring and being truly alive. On the flipside, I don't want to spend it all on wishing I was farther along on my bucket list...or life in general.

I hadn't planned on my encouragement yesterday coming from a cup of afternoon tea, at least not in any form other than the caffeine, but that's how it showed up. The little tag on the end of the small string had only a few words, but it was enough to make me stop and really think about their meaning.

"Look forward with hope, not backward with regret."

The fact that that was enough to cheer me up and change my thinking for the day is almost silly, but I'm glad it did. Instead of worrying about all the things I haven't been able to and can't do, I'm trying to dwell on the things I can.

I'm looking forward to a camping trip in the Cascades with friends in a month. I'm looking forward to crawling hiking up a steep, 7,000 foot ridge with one friend on that trip just for the badassery of proving we can.

I'm looking forward to standing at the top of it and being proud of the physical strength I've worked so hard for despite chronic pain. I'm looking forward to looking at the world below and knowing I don't always have to stay down there.

I'm looking forward to the wildlife I'll see and hopefully photograph. The birds I may see that I've never seen or heard before, the flowers I will smell.

I'm looking forward to catching up with friends and making new ones. To sitting around a campfire in good spirits with good spirits.

To sleeping in a tent with a blanket of stars overhead. To waking up to a chorus of birds and not a blaring alarm clock. I have hope. There is much to look forward to. 😊

Monday, January 30, 2017

Shattered Dreams and New Horizons (Where I've Been Since Fall 2015)

This is definitely not how I would have planned for my life to turn out.

Over the past year the world my life has been turned upside down. Not even two months after starting this blog, my husband of quite a few years and I separated and have since divorced. The events of the ending of that relationship took up the entirety of 2016 and the end of 2015 and was nothing short of retched.

My trust shattered, the time between my last post and this one has been spent starting over and simply trying to stay sane. Despite the pain of heartbreak and betrayal, I had the opportunity for experiences that were healing and also broadened my limited experiences in life.

I traveled on planes (hadn't for twelve years) and found my way around airports alone.

I fell stood in the Pacific Ocean waves at Ruby Beach in Washington.

I hiked and camped in the Olympic National Park and Forest and Mt. Saint Helen's.

I saw and heard wildlife (or signs of it) I had only seen in pictures and read about.

Went searching for a Sasquatch (Bigfoot) the dark. Please don't was so much fun!

Met new people who restored my hope for humanity and others who did the opposite.

Rediscovered a true friend that I had not kept up with over the years and who's listening ear and wisdom have been invaluable.

Got a crash course in life, trust and human nature.

I was dragged kicking and screaming pulled out of my comfort zone and shell.

Allowed myself to write the music that had been trapped inside for far too long.

Discovered physical and emotional strength I didn't think I had.

Moved from one side of the United States to the other (Pennsylvania to Washington). And then again from one side of a state to another.

Oh, and I dyed my hair blue. Well, part of it. :p

A beautiful valley near Mount Saint Helen's

I currently don't get to spend any time outdoors but I'm determined to find a way.  There's a family of squirrels and a pair of Northern Flicker woodpeckers that hang out in the trees outside my apartment complex so watching them helps with the feeling of being trapped in a city.

I'm looking with hope at the new horizon in front of me.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Cabin Fever

It was a dark rainy fall afternoon and we were stir crazy. There were only a few hours left before dark but we had to get out! We drove to a section of the hiking trail and despite the feeling of stepping into an eerie twilight zone, we started down the lonely path.

We were rewarded by a breathtaking display of fall colors in lighting that you can't describe. The smell of the forest floor after the rain was otherworldly.

It was so quite, and soon we emerged onto a huge moss and lichen covered bolder field. It was like a portal to another world. I kept saying to my husband "I just want to take off my shoes and go barefoot and touch everything!" It was the strangest feeling.

We hiked for several hours across this epic landscape with the light sound of the rain as our company.

As we were on our way back a distant screech owl bid us good evening as we said goodnight to the trail and the fading light.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Getting out and exploring nature where and when I can, that's what I want to do! :)  I've always been hung up on other people and what they had time, money, and health to do. But I wanted to focus on what I can do.  To experience, enjoy, and revel in the nature in my own area. :)

Come with me, the backyard adventurer and collector of beautiful moments.  Not everyone can travel the world, but there is nature all around us.  Find beauty and adventure wherever you are! :)