Monday, January 30, 2017

Shattered Dreams and New Horizons (Where I've Been Since Fall 2015)

This is definitely not how I would have planned for my life to turn out.

Over the past year the world my life has been turned upside down. Not even two months after starting this blog, my husband of quite a few years and I separated and have since divorced. The events of the ending of that relationship took up the entirety of 2016 and the end of 2015 and was nothing short of retched.

My trust shattered, the time between my last post and this one has been spent starting over and simply trying to stay sane. Despite the pain of heartbreak and betrayal, I had the opportunity for experiences that were healing and also broadened my limited experiences in life.

I traveled on planes (hadn't for twelve years) and found my way around airports alone.

I fell stood in the Pacific Ocean waves at Ruby Beach in Washington.

I hiked and camped in the Olympic National Park and Forest and Mt. Saint Helen's.

I saw and heard wildlife (or signs of it) I had only seen in pictures and read about.

Went searching for a Sasquatch (Bigfoot) the dark. Please don't was so much fun!

Met new people who restored my hope for humanity and others who did the opposite.

Rediscovered a true friend that I had not kept up with over the years and who's listening ear and wisdom have been invaluable.

Got a crash course in life, trust and human nature.

I was dragged kicking and screaming pulled out of my comfort zone and shell.

Allowed myself to write the music that had been trapped inside for far too long.

Discovered physical and emotional strength I didn't think I had.

Moved from one side of the United States to the other (Pennsylvania to Washington). And then again from one side of a state to another.

Oh, and I dyed my hair blue. Well, part of it. :p

A beautiful valley near Mount Saint Helen's

I currently don't get to spend any time outdoors but I'm determined to find a way.  There's a family of squirrels and a pair of Northern Flicker woodpeckers that hang out in the trees outside my apartment complex so watching them helps with the feeling of being trapped in a city.

I'm looking with hope at the new horizon in front of me.

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